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The rise and rise of Apple- now the iPhone January 11, 2007

Posted by topedgemonk in Apple, Consumer electronics, Microsoft.
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Microsoft launched the Zune to combat Apple’s iPod and take some market share away from them. Apple launches the iPhone- combining three devices into one, a widescreen iPod, a revolutionary phone and a internet browsing device, all on a beautiful handheld device.

Is there any sensible person around who would go and buy a Microsoft Zune now? The launch of the iPhone has more or less killed the Zune, which anyway was not very successful anyway. On top of that, the elegant looks of the iPhone constitute the epitaph on the Zune grave.

The king of software still sits in Redmond. Starting with axing the Internet Explorer using the Safari browser, apple is moving to greater heights in the software world. I love it when the guys in Cupertino do their ‘insanely great’ things. Great work Steve!

Here is a very good logical article on why the iPhone may or may not succeed.